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Wednesday, February 3, 2010


A Free Website Business!! The trouble with FREE is that it usually means very poor quality or that there are 'strings' attached!
But not in this case. You can just go ahead and get yourself a FREE website along with a business of a category of your choosing, and everything is of the very highest quality. Each 'business' comes with 5 multi paged websites and is actually worth US$3,000 to $5,000.
This system was developed over a period of more than 500 hours and the developer himself operates 8 profit generating business sites.
But what do you get when you decide to set up your FREE business? I can only say "so much that it is staggering"
Five top notch multi page websites free of any cost - including domain, hosting and maintenance.
Ad sense PPC advertisements as a part of your income structure.
Infolinks, another form of PPC and very unique as an income generator.
A choice of over 35,000 products that will pay you BIG commissions on every sale.
An on web Blog to put out your message and your point of view.
Easy 'Alertpay' account set up for internet trading.
Traffic generation systems that will bring you 1,250,000 visitors to your website in your first year.
A free e mail generation membership that allows you 500 mails a day to their group.
A top notch auto responder that automatically follows up on visitors to your 'site (Increase sales 400%)
Avatars and on site music for those that want them.
Three 'satellite' websites that sell products for you as a 'silent' salesman.
A 12 week training course that provides simple step by step procedures.
A dedicated website with a simple coded system that you follow. These provide DIRECT links to EVERYTHING with just one click of your mouse.
And there are a whole lot more benefits, such as membership of a truly stunning social site where you can meet with other online business people, send free e cards to family and friends and a whole lot more to boot!!

OVERALL, THIS IS A FANTASTIC PRODUCT OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY!!  And whats more, the 'author' and designer of it all has produced a system that is so incredibly user friendly that a child can do it. All any one needs is this free professional system to get into business on the internet.
It is calculated that 20,000,000 NEW INTERNET MILLIONAIRES will be 'birthed' in the next 10 years, and that can't be you if you are not in business on the 'net. Now here's your chance for financial independence without any financial layout or risk. And get this, there are 1,000,000 of these business websites available! Although, come to think of it, that is only 5 days worth of current new internet users growth rate.

I thought it may help some readers who lack confidence in their ability to do this, to relate this true story.
In mid 2009, a 60 year old South African Pastor was looking for a way to make some money. Times were getting more and more difficult financially and although he was the award winner of a local heroes recognition by a major banking group, companies just were not willing to help very much in his endeavors to create jobs for the poor. The situation had deteriorated to the point where his own survival was at stake, and there are few jobs for white men in a Black economic empowerment South Africa!
Some one gave the Pastor a brochure about making money on the internet, and how the book they were selling could result in a handsome income for just 15 minutes work a day. Something on the inside of him became excited at this, so he went out and bought the book with literally the last money he had. This may not sound too remarkable, but this Pastor had NEVER OPERATED A COMPUTER BEFORE~ In fact, He couldn't even type...or simply switch on a computer. This guy was not even a novice, he was a total internet ignoramus.
By this time, the Pastor and his wife were really down and were living in a relatives garage. To the accompaniment to various degrees of disbelieving laughter he announced to his family that he was going to start an online business empire. His nephews donated an old computer and a wireless internet connection, and enjoyed considerable mirth about the Pastor's determination to succeed. Both his nephews were I T college graduates, and themselves hesitated to take on this unknown territory occupied only by those who had been tutored in such challenging things.
Pastor Harry pressed on. The book he had bought was not much help, and frankly, didn't really help. But it did point him in the right direction. There was another problem too. No money! No money to buy websites, buy domain names, pay up to $1,000 per year for an auto responder. No money to buy into the 'Guru's' success plans. No money to do any thing, and no experience or know how.
The rest is history. 500 hours of research and sourcing - deep into the night. 500 hours of testing and proving or disproving the viability of a product or service. 500 - often sleepless - weary and exhausting hours spent developing a system. A system that was free, that a broke and weary old Pastor with no I T College, no computer or internet experience, no prior knowledge period!!... could use to set up a profitable internet business.
Today, less than a year later - that business is now a mini empire. I am that Pastor, and I am fairly well known on the internet. If you 'Google' my name: Harry Heydon and select images, you should even find a picture of me. The result of all those hours of very hard and trying research is the FREE 1,000,000 website business systems that I am giving away. And I am really giving them away, there is NO COST EVER, no sales follow ups, no sales e mails, just FREE.
This system is SO EASY to do that even an I T ignorant 60 year old Pastor could do it. And it's even easier now that I have walked the road before you. I have literally re written the book on internet business and website setup; and I expect that the experts who have been charging truly exorbitant fees (in many cases) may find their business diminishing once this gets out.
I have shown this to people who have been 'in the business' for 20 years or more, and they are astounded.
So it's your turn now. Go out and start your business, and even become financially free, and when you have made a bit of money, go ahead and join up with the next two phases I offer. If you do it right - diligently - you WILL make money. You could even become rich as I am doing right at this moment!
AND...... PLEASE pay it forward, there is plenty out there for every body. As an end note, one of our local website surveyors has latched on to my free system and is selling websites to various business in the area. Do I mind that? Not at all. Once you have perfected your own area go ahead and profit from your expertise. But a word of advice - don't sell the system, your clients will find out sooner or later. Sell your expertise and tuition to set it up.
God Bless one and all,
Harry Heydon (Rev)


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